Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Having Time

When you start a new job, you generally have the time to help people out and volunteer for just about anything. You aren't overworked, and you're eager to get going. It's easy enough for your coworkers to think you're a rockstar.

Then, over time, your inbox keeps filling up, higher and higher. It isn't long before you can't really do much in the way of helping others, because it's hard enough keeping up with your own stuff. It's not that you've changed at all, but it might look that way to new hires and people who remember the old you.

I'll need to savor this empty inbox as long as possible. And somehow save a little bit of time down the road to still be able to help people out...


Anonymous said...

: ) You must be in I.T.

Ryan Wanger said...

Wow. Nice call. I was...